Finding that your teeth are more sensitive than usual indicates some kind of change in your dental hygiene, but the underlying cause can be one of many things. When you have sensitive teeth, it can make it more difficult to consume very hot or very cold food and drink, and sometimes the tooth sensitivity might be apparent even when you are not eating.
To get to the root cause of your tooth sensitivity, it is important to raise the issue in dental check ups at your local clinic like Dental On Beaumont. Your dentist is likely to diagnose the cause of the pain in one of the following ways, and after identifying the cause they will be able to provide appropriate treatment.
You are using too much mouthwash. You would be forgiven for thinking that there is no such thing as using too much mouthwash because it is marketed as something to promote dental hygiene. But, actually, the high acid content that is present in some brands of mouthwash will erode the protective layer of tooth enamel, leaving exposed, sensitive teeth. Ask your dentist to recommend something that is pH neutral for safe mouthwash use.
Home bleaching. Most people would like to have whiter teeth, and for some people, the temptation to use home bleaching kits outside of the safe, controlled environment of a dental clinic is all too great. Unfortunately, because of the high peroxide content of tooth whitening kits, over-use of these could lead to bleaching molecules entering your teeth and putting pressure on the tooth pulp, which causes the feeling of sensitivity.
Your gums are receding. If you have a condition that causes your gums to recede, such as gum disease, this can leave the super sensitive root area exposed. The job of the gum here is to protect your root from outside exposure, and so when you come into contact with hot and cold foods and drinks, you will feel a sharp, sensitive pain. Receding gums are something that require professional treatment from a dentist, and so clearing this up is not quite as simple as giving up mouthwash or certain foods.
You grind your teeth. Sometimes, when people are anxious or trying to concentrate, they will grind or clench their teeth. Over time, this can become a habit that is difficult to shake, but with every grind of your teeth, some enamel is being worn away, leaving your teeth exposed.