The thought of your gums receding can be quite scary. However, it should be noted that receding gums will not only affect your appearance. When your gums begin to recede, the tissue starts going lower down its position on your teeth. Over time, this can lead to the exposure of the roots of your teeth.

Leaving the problem undeterred could lead to other dental problems, which could impede on your overall health. That is why it is prudent to determine the cause of your receding gums and have it treated post haste. 

What are the causes of receding gums? 

Aggressive oral hygiene: granted, everybody knows that oral hygiene is essential in keeping your teeth and hums healthy. However, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. By trying to aggressively brush or floss your teeth in an attempt to eliminate all plaque and bacteria, you could end up damaging your gum tissue. This not only causes gum recession but can also lead to bleeding and making your gums susceptible to infection. It is recommended to use a soft bristled toothbrush and not use excessive force when engaging in your oral hygiene. 

Your genes: Another reason why you may develop receding gums is if it genetically passed down to you. Gum recession can be a hereditary trait if both parents suffer from this condition. As such, if your parents have had problems with gum recession before, then it would be advisable to try to take preventive measures in an attempt to avoid the same fate. 

Misalignment of teeth: The positioning of your teeth is essential in for their functionality. In the event that your teeth start misaligning, then it also takes a toll on your gum tissue. Severe displacement in your teeth's arrangement can lead to gum recession over time. 

Bruxism: This refers to teeth grinding. Typically, people who suffer from bruxism tend to be unaware that they do because it happens while they are asleep. However, the symptoms eventually crop up in different forms such as jaw pain, degradation of teeth and even gum recession. 

What are the treatment options for gum recession? 

There are several techniques your dentist can use to treat gum recession. The most common method is through root planning and scaling. This is usually employed when the receding gums have begun developing periodontitis. If the gum recession is severe, then the dentist may opt to perform a gum graft. This is supposed to replace the gum tissue that has been already lost. 
