Among the many methods that exist for replacing a missing tooth, dental implants are perhaps the most effective. This is because they replace the entire tooth as well as the root. Most other methods either simply replace the crown or fill in a cavity. Dental implants provide a permanent solution and also strengthen the jawbone in the process. 

During a dental implant surgery, the gums are essentially cut open to allow for an artificial root to be inserted into the gums. As a result, the body will need to undergo a healing process after surgery. It is important to continue eating nutritious foods immediately after a dental implant procedure.

Most patients make the mistake of avoiding eating at all so they don't irritate the wound. A more advisable strategy is to eat the right type of foods so you can enjoy a quick recovery. Here are some tips that you can use to prepare the 3 important meals of the day.

Breakfast tips

If you're in the habit of skipping breakfast, don't do it after a tooth extraction. You need the nutrient push to start up your day and help the wound to heal. The key to preparing any meal is to avoid heavy chewing on the surgical site. Try to blend fruits, yoghurt and vegetables into a breakfast smoothie. This makes it easier to consume even when on the go. Protein powder is also a good breakfast ingredient that you can mix with milk and consume as you start your day.

Eggs (scrambled or boiled) are also a convenient breakfast item to consume after surgery, and they contain plenty of protein as well.

Lunch tips

For lunch, you can try applesauce or humus on soft bread. These items are all easy to consume and prepare, and they exert minimal pressure on the wound. You can also add soft fruits such as bananas, cut oranges or avocadoes to your meal.

Dinner tips

The biggest challenge for you will probably be dinner. If you're used to tough steak, fleshy chicken or crusty items, it can be complicated to find a convenient replacement. Start with replacing your meat selections with fish that is easy to chew and swallow. The white meat from fish is rich in protein and will assist your wound to heal faster.

Combine this with mash potatoes, vegetable soup and fruit pudding for dessert.

The key is to prepare meals that are easy to consume but sill rich in nutrients to promote a quick recovery.
