Your wedding day should be the happiest day of your life, forever captured in your wedding photos. However, if you aren't happy with your teeth, then you will worry about how you look on the day. This is the one day of your life when shouldn't hide your smile for the camera, but you may not want your wonky teeth to be captured for posterity.

While braces can fix your teeth, they need careful timing. How can you get a perfect bridal smile in time for your big day?

How Much Time Do You Need?

Adult braces take anything from six months to three years to work. This varies depending on your orthodontic issues and the bracing treatment. See an orthodontist as soon as you can and explain the situation.

Your orthodontist can estimate how long it will take to straighten your teeth. This isn't a fixed timescale; some treatments are quicker than anticipated, and some are longer. You should, however, get an idea of whether you can fit braces in before your wedding.

For example, if you need braces for a year, and your wedding is two years away, then you'll probably be fine. However, if you're getting married in six months and will need treatment for at least a year, you might want to wait. Braces straighten your teeth pretty quickly, so your smile will look better, but you may have to wear braces on the big day.

Can You Use Invisible Braces?

If you're determined to go ahead with braces and your timescale is tight or unpredictable, then ask your orthodontist about alternatives to metal braces. Some braces are hidden or less visible.

For example, lingual braces go on the back of your teeth rather than the front, so nobody can see them. This gives you a better smile and braces that don't show in your wedding photos. White or tooth-coloured options, like ceramic braces, sit on the front like metal braces but they are much less visible.

Tip: While ceramic braces are less noticeable, they may show in some photos. If you use these braces, talk to your wedding photographer and ask if they can edit out any signs of braces in your photos.

Finally, Invisalign trays are an alternative to fixed braces in some treatments. These trays are hardly visible and completely removable. You wear them for most of the time, but your orthodontist may not mind if you take them out for longer on your wedding day.

To find out more, visit an office like Straightsmiles and talk to an orthodontist about braces options.
