If you are looking for a new dentist for your family, it is important to carefully consider your options. A good family dentist can give your kids a positive introduction to dental appointments and help them to establish good dental habits for life. When you are looking for a new family dentist, look for these four characteristics.

1. Experience and Qualifications in Children's Dentistry

All dentists have different specialties. If you have young children, it is a good idea to look for a children's dentist so you can be sure that they can provide the specialist care kids need. A good children's dentist can identify orthodontic issues early, allowing your kids to get braces at the right time to correct any problems with their dental alignment.

2. Good Reviews and Recommendations

Before you commit to any family dentist, you should check their online reviews to see what experiences other people have had with them. Google reviews are a good place to start. You can also check out reviews on the dentist's Facebook page or look at a review site such as Yelp.

If possible, you should also ask your family, friends or coworkers for recommendations. A personal recommendation for a good dentist can be worth its weight in gold, as you know that you can trust it.

3. A Welcoming Atmosphere

The best way to get a feel for how welcoming a dental practice is to children is to visit it in person. Take a look at the waiting room — are there books or toys to keep children entertained? Talk to the staff — are they pleasant, polite, and helpful? Trust your first impressions to help you find a children's dentist who can give your kids a good experience in their early dental appointments.

4. Clear Pricing

Some children are eligible for free dental care in Australia under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. However, not all children are eligible, and CDBS does not cover the full cost of all procedures. In addition, adults are not generally covered. Therefore, it is important to ask about pricing when you are looking for a new family dentist. Find out whether the dentist accepts dental insurance, if you have it. If you do not have insurance, ask about the costs of common procedures, such as check-ups, dental fillings and root canals. Find out whether the dentist offers payment plans to allow you to spread the cost.
